What a week! Did you have a fantastic Thanksgiving holiday? I spent mine making an east coast circuit, from brisk walks and bouillabaisse in Boston; to a cozy night in Middletown with three absurdly cute dogs (Georgie picture above), Julia Child's brioche pecan sticky buns, and holiday decor with feathers and shells as only Wendy can do; to western Connecticut for Wii DanceDanceRevolution2 by the lake, Karen's Ridiculous Feast of Abundance (where guests beg for mercy around the cheese course), and then back to LA. These illustrations by my mother-in-law were one of my favorite finds of the trip. As a senior in high school in 1966, she illustrated drawings of each of her classmates for the yearbook, which appeared on their senior page (along with photos, favorite memories and most embarrassing moments). I love how their messages run across the image, and remind me of Alyson Fox and Olivia Jeffries. That brown ink!