We are back in Santa Fe for Christmas which is a ridiculously magical time of year. I encourage everyone to visit Canyon Road on Christmas Eve at least once in their lifetime, and experience thousands of faralitos (candles in paper bags) illuminating downtown; turning down an alley and finding a crowd gathered around a model train making circles around a piñon tree; the flying faralitos that mesmerize onlookers set alight at Acequia Madre elementary school; the incredible fashion - furs, Navajo jackets; fires on the street to warm yourself; RTVs transporting free cider; random brass bands leading Christmas carols.

And also, a visit to the unparalleled Nicholas Potter bookstore, where you'll find the gardening section in the back kitchen. He always has the most interesting, beautiful books specific to the region like (above) a study of Indian running; fly-fishing illustrations; boxed sets and a history of master potter Maria Martinez. If you don't know anything about her work, check out the videos below (you may want to disable the cheesy soundtrack).