Bill Cunningham redeemed a truly disappointing day. Have you seen the documentary about him? There are many moving parts but perhaps my favorite was discovering that he always shoots from the sidelines at fashion shows. There was this footage of a wall of photographers with zoom lenses, stationed at the end of the runway, shooting straight ahead like a herd of lemmings and all making the same image. And then there's Bill, alone with his Nikon in the front row, shooting at an angle. I have to believe that somehow, always, a unique perspective is rewarded and acknowledged. But sometimes, like today, it is not. So that's when I put the Rolling Stones' "You can't always get what you want" on repeat. And I remind myself of the delight in pursuing what I believe in, what I love, what I find to be authentic. And then just offer it, offer it, offer it over and over again.

{Photo by Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images North America}